Families’ Response to Review, July 21, 2014, August 15, 2014

RE: Report of the Independent Review into the Search and Rescue Operations for S/V Nina, June 2014:


July 17, 2014, The families will be responding to the reviewer’s report in the next couple days; it was received by them yesterday evening. The families have teleconferenced today and those present, and those in communication with the team, have agreed to respond in writing to the RCCNZ in order to address the facts, many of which are left out of the review report.

Here is a link to the RCCNZ Review:

July 17, 2014 http://www.maritimenz.govt.nz/news/media-releases-2014/20140717a.asp

and same report is here:


Here is a link to the Families response to the Report of the Review of the Search and Rescue Operations for S/V Nina:

      August 12, 2014 – Lessons to Learn: Seeking Improvement, Not Praise or Blame: Nina-Families Second Request of New Zealand RCC

July 20, 2014 Nina-Families-First Response to Review

Here is a link to Review Response by Paul Wilson a family friend and engineer:

July 20, 2014 Wilson Response to RCCNZ Review

Here is a link to the Input to the Reviewer from the Families of the Seven (7) Missing:

Feb 27, 2014 Families Submission to the Review of RCCNZ Search for Nina